The Sustainibility of Natural Latex

People today put far more thought into the environmental impact of their major purchases. With resources depleting and garbage being pushed into the earth at an overwhelming rate, there is little wonder why.

Classic style innerspring beds represent a substantial amount of nonrenewable, nonbiodegradable resources that will simply be thrown out once they are no longer fit for sleeping. With the mattress market currently exploding with all sorts of new mattress concepts, shouldn’t environmental implications be fundamental in any new mattress design?

This may seem like optimistic hogwash at first glance, but the reality is that such an ecofriendly product is already available. Natural latex mattresses are the product of natural latex rubber, which is the milky sap from the rubber tree (hevea brasiliensis), with a small percentage of natural fillers. These rubber trees are cultivated on plantations in Africa, South Asia, South America, Indonesia and Sri Lanka, providing jobs for numerous local peoples.

Once the trees have reached the end of their latex producing lives they are chopped down, and replaced with new rubber tree clones. The wood is used to make furniture and in construction, ensuring that nothing goes to waste.

Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi concerned with the exploitation of his countries forests by logging companies, as well as the inherent effects on biodiversity, proposed a plan to ensure the long term sustainability of these important resources. "We want to give priority to plantation forests where only one species of tree may be planted such as new rubber clones which could be used for furniture making and construction materials after their latex have been fully tapped," he said after chairing the 16th National Forestry Council meeting in Putrajaya (To read more go to the website at the end of this article).

On top of being ecofriendly and biodegradable, natural latex mattresses supply a superb sleeping surface, providing incredible support and relieving pressure points better than memory foam. Natural latex mattresses are clearly a splendid choice for the consumer and for the environment.
