Benefits of Natural Fibre Mattresses for Babies

Managing sleep for babies and young children is one of the most common concerns for new parents especially when it comes to choosing the right mattress.

Sleep is the single most important ingredient to a healthy, happy life for both parents and baby! Without sleep, energy levels drop, immune systems crash and tempers flare. We all want to ensure that our children have the best start in life and that means plenty of good sleep in a safe, comfortable and natural environment.

There is a growing concern about the types of chemicals pumped into standard baby mattresses on the market. When a baby sleeps on a mattress, which can be 10-14 hours a day, their breath inhales air no more than six inches away from the chemicals it’s made from. The possible side effects include allergies, rashes, asthma, seizures, chemical sensitivities and behavioral problems when exposed to toxic chemicals.

Standard polyurethane mattresses are not a wise choice for many reasons:

- Polyurethane foam is extremely flammable and to combat this hazard, industrial fire retardants are added to the fillings and covering mattress materials.

- Crib, cot and cot bed mattresses made from polyurethane can be very thin, dip very quickly and do not offer a good level of support for the child.

- Mattress life is very short.

- Most existing baby mattresses have a plastic PVC cover which prevents air circulating through the mattress, increasing the chances of the baby overheating. It is not only dangerous for a baby to over heat but also causes discomfort and disrupted sleep.

The Natural Alternative

Natural mat companies make handmade cribs, cots, cot beds and single bed mattresses from 100% natural fibres including coir from the only organic coir plantation in the world, no chemicals and have been proven to make babies sleep better through the night due to a greater level of support and comfort experienced by the baby.

There are many added benefits in choosing a natural fibre mattress for your child:

- Breathability – Natural fibres such as coir (husk of a coconut), latex, mohair, lambswool and 100% cotton are all breathable fibres. Babies are temperature sensitive and need good ventilation for them to sleep comfortably and safely. Natural mattresses allow a constant circulation of air through the mattress.

- Non-allergenic – It is important to keep a child’s sleeping environment as dust-mite free as possible as they are the main cause of allergies including Asthma. Dust mites can not live in natural latex or organic coir.

-Naturally Fire Retardant – The Natural Mat Company are the only UK mattress manufacturer to pass the British Safety Standards without using chemical fire retardants.

-Long Lasting Superior Support – Natural fibres are more durable, resilient, supportive and provide a natural spring.