Bunk Bed Pricing

Actually, the price of a bunk bed will vary depending on the style, design, and construction. With this in mind, prices can range anywhere from $200 to as high as $3,000 or more for a custom hand made bunk bed. With a price variation like this you can go ahead and apply the saying 'You get what you pay for'.

The first thing to remember when purchasing a bunk bed is that this is a purchase that will need to endure the life of the child. In my case, I had the same bunk bed from the time I was six until I was well into my teens. The better the quality bunk bed you buy, the longer the bunk bed will last.

A twin-over-twin bunk bed made of a straight-forward metal design with built-in ladder but not including mattresses can cost as little as $200. This is your most basic of all bunk beds. You should be able to find a twin-over-futon bunk bed for around the same price.

A twin-over-twin or twin-over-full convertible bunk bed made from steel tubing or wood can cost between $200 and $300. A convertible twin-over-full futon made of wood including a full length guardrail and a built-in ladder can cost around $300. A solid wood or metal convertible twin-over-twin bunk bed with drawers can cost between $300 and $400. Some fashionable bunk beds, with a few extras, can also be purchased within this range.

The more elaborate bunk beds become, the more they rise in price. Some also can have special features which make them more fashionable, functional, and efficient. You can combine several options to feature many different combinations. Also, the choice of wood for your bunk bed can affect a price increase. Asian hardwood finished with cherry or maple with intricate decorative scrolls to enhance the visual appearance can cost between $600 and $800 easily.

There are many custom features you can add from top designers that will put the price into the $1000s. What you are willing to spend depends on your budget. Buy a bed you can afford just remember, the longer the bed lasts the less it costs. If you buy a cheap bunk bed that lasts a year, you will have to then turn around and buy new furniture. Think of your purchase as an investment and enjoy your new bunk bed.