Adjustable Beds - Now This Will Put You To Sleep

Somewhere it is written that people will spend one-third of their life in bed. I don't really know that to be true. I think that number comes from the theory that people need 8 hours sleep a day; and there are 24 hours in a day and 8 is one-third of 24. People rarely do things by the numbers. This theory seems to discount a lot of factors that could throw those numbers into question. But the one thing that isn't in question is that we do need sleep. Sleep is more than just the period between work and not working. Sleep relaxes us, it rejuvenates our bodies. All people are different, so everyone doesn't need the same amount of sleep to get through the day.

How do we get the sleep that we need? For those of us that don't fall asleep on the couch, the bed is usually the best option. Beds come in all different shapes and sizes. Some beds are soft, others are firm, it depends on individual taste. Beds of today usually consist of a mattress on top of a box spring. This is a big improvement over some of the earliest beds that were created, many of which were nothing more than piles of straw. Beds can be decorated with all different kinds of pillows and bed spreads, it all depends on the individual.

Beds, like most everything, have made advances through the years. There are different types of beds. There is the foam bed, air bed, waterbed and even an adjustable bed. The adjustable bed is simply a bed that can be adjusted into different positions. Probably the first time most of us came into contact with an adjustable bed, was in the hospital. The adjustable bed isn't really new, it's been around since the 60s. The adjustable bed appears to be light years ahead of the standard bed and I assume the price is too, which explains why the hospital was the most likely place to see one.

The adjustable bed has proven to give even more benefits to the human body then the standard bed. For people with certain types of back problems, the adjustable bed has allowed them to sleep more comfortable. The bed can be adjusted to reduce pressure on the spine and thus relieving pressure on the entire body. On a lighter note, the adjustable bed also makes it a lot easier to watch TV in bed.

With the technical advancements in the adjustable bed and the rise in individual income; the adjustable bed isn't just for hospitals anymore. Lots of people have purchased adjustable beds for their homes. Even television has gotten into the act, with infomercials singing the praises of owning an adjustable bed. The adjustable bed seems to be the new way to sleep, read and relax in bed. I guess only time will tell if the adjustable bed will become a staple in our lives, or will it disappear like so many other creations that we once thought we couldn't live without.