Tips for Choosing a Mattress

Unfortunately, many people lose a good night’s sleep all because of the mattress on which they sleep. If you find you wake feeling tired or sore, that you have difficulty falling asleep, or toss and turn throughout the night, the problem could very well be your mattress. The truth is that a restless night will result in a miserable day, making it difficult to concentrate and function at full capacity. While the mattress could be the problem, it is important that you consider a number of factors when buying to ensure you end up with the right mattress.

The proper mattress will make you feel rested and rejuvenated. Making a choice on a mattress can be difficult. One of the first things you need to do is educate yourself on mattress types.To help you with the process, we have provided some helpful information to consider.

 Latex Foam – The primary benefit to a latex foam mattress is that the pressure of the body is distributed evenly. This means you never experience pain from pressure points, allowing you to enjoy a deep, restful sleep. Typically, people who suffer from sleep disorders or back problems would find the latex foam mattress one of the better options.

 Adjustable Bed – Many physical conditions including spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, and degenerative spondylolisthesis would benefit most from an adjustable bed mattress. With this option, you can adjust the position of the mattress, helping you find the most comfortable position for sleeping. Although usually high priced, adjustable bed mattresses offer various head and feet elevations depending on specific need.

 Spring – The spring mattress is probably one of the most common and affordable types. Some of the newer styles on the market are excellent but one of the primary issues is that the springs are not very forgiving. For this reason, we strongly recommend you choose the best you can afford to ensure high quality.

 Sleep Number – One of the newer types of mattresses on the market, the sleep number is divided into two sides, allowing each person to adjust the firmness according to personal preference. For instance, a firm mattress of 85 might be perfect for one person while the individual on the other side of the mattress likes a 25 setting, which is much softer.

Generally, a mattress of any kind is rated by firmness – firm, plush, and pillow top. For the best back support, you would want the firm mattress. A plush mattress can also be firm but provide a little more give while a pillow top offers the most comfort and give.

In addition, you want to consider the warranty of the mattress. Since mattresses are expensive, you want to ensure you purchase a mattress set that will provide you with a minimum of five years support and comfort.

When shopping around for mattresses, we recommend you visit a number of manufacturers, actually lying down on the mattresses to test them out. This way, you would have a better feel according to your body. Once you find a specific type of mattress you like best, you could then shop online or through discount stores to find better prices.