How to Remove Urine From Mattress?

Removing urine from carpets and mattresses is not very difficult. Urine contains salts and when they are on the mattress they smell. The smell of the urine won’t go away quickly. It will stay in the air for some days or weeks. Even if you put the mattress in sunlight for drying, the smell won’t go away.

Urine contains bacteria and if urine is left on the mattress for many hours or days molds or fungus could form and spoil the mattress completely. You need to take care of your mattress and try to remove the urine stains as quickly as possible.

During the rainy season the urine in the mattress along with the humidity in the air makes the smell worse. Spraying deodorants won’t make the smell go away from the mattress. You need to clean the urine from inside the mattress so that they don’t smell, and not only from the upper part of the mattress. There are many ways for people to remove the urine from the mattress. Some people pour vinegar on the mattress and suction it with a vacuum machine. Putting alcohol on the urinated area is another idea. Some people put shampoo on the mattress and clean it and dry the mattresses in the sun.

Cleaning Tips For Your Mattress' Long Life

More than 30% of your life is spent sleeping. Now, if this statistic is true, which it is, then you would also want to have a comfortable and clean mattress to sleep on. How can you achieve this? You should therefore maintain the cleanliness of your mattress; make sure that it stays fresh for a much longer period. Use these helpful mattress cleaning tips to aid you in your cleaning task.

You must admit it, there are times when your mattress is stale-smelling; this kind of mattress is unfriendly especially to individuals with allergies. The common cause is dust mites. Make sure that you flip the mattress and vacuum it on all sides every 6 or 8 weeks. Remember to use your vacuum hose's hard surface and non-brush attachment.

To maintain the fresh smell of your mattress, put dryer sheets first before covering the mattress with beddings. The scents of dryer sheets vary, so make sure that you're quite comfortable with it, otherwise, change the dryers and choose a scent that you can sleep on at night comfortably.

It's impossible to find a used mattress without mildew or mold. For your health, purchase a new mattress if about 50% of your existing mattress is covered with mildew/mold. But if you're only dealing with a little area, you can salvage your mattress. When the weather is dry and sunny, take your mattress to the outdoors. Wear a mask and vacuum the mattress. Leave the mattress outside for the whole day and bring it in before dew settles in.

If you're a cigarette smoker, then your mattress might smell of cigarettes too. Again, take the mattress outside during a sunny and dry day. Spray some odor remover on the mattress and leave it under the heat of the sun. In the afternoon, bring the mattress inside and sprinkle some baking soda. Leave it on for the night and the following day, you can vacuum it.

Cleaning your mattress is one way to ensure its long life. Have a good night sleep.