Tips to Consider Prior to Choosing a Futon Mattress

Are you expecting company and need an extra bed, but don't the room for one? Are you a college student with limited space and budget?

A futon may be the answer for you. A futon will double as a couch and a bed, and you don't necessarily have to compromise on comfort.

However, consider these points before making your final choice.

Choose between a bi-fold frame and a tri-fold one.

- The bi-fold frame simply folds the mattress once in the middle and becomes the couch. The entire length of the mattress is the length of the couch.

- A tri-fold frame, folds the mattress once using the width of the mattress as the couch area.

Consider a mattress that is at least six inches thick. Any thinner than that, you will compromise on comfort and risk the likelihood of lumps and bare spots. A thicker mattress will be more comfortable, but it will also be more expensive.

If you are looking for a lightweight mattress that will hold its shape, go with a cotton and foam mattress. It will not sag, and it will hold its shape over time.

A cotton-polyester blend will give you a lighter mattress which is nice and soft, making it a popular choice with many.

A cotton-wool combination is a great choice if you are looking for a very soft mattress. This is not a flexible mattress, so may not be a good choice if you plan on flipping it into a couch frequently.

If your futon mattress will be used primarily for sleeping, choose a heavier mattress. Look for a cotton-wool blend or an all cotton mattress that has springs in it.

These combinations will hold up longer and provide a sturdier sleeping environment than softer blends.

Whether you choose between a wood or steel frame, be sure that you can operate the folding mechanisms of the frame easily and quickly. This way, you will not get stressed out by not being able to get your futon up and down quickly.

Finally, before you make your purchase, be sure that you try it out. Lie down on it.

Is it comfortable? Is it big enough? Is there a warranty?

Make sure you are happy with your purchase before leaving the store.