Consequently they are turning away from their conventional innerspring mattresses which create pressure points that cause tossing and turning in search of a better alternative. Tempurpedic has poured money into advertising their viscoelastic memory foam mattresses, fueling interest in spring free mattresses.
People who are allured by the intrigue of the “space foam” are often unfulfilled by the lifeless feel of memory foam, and begin searching in a new direction. As a result latex mattress makers are experiencing a substantial boom in sales.
Latex international, the top US manufacturer of latex mattress components and latex pillows, is currently generating sales around $80 million a year showing an average increase of approximately 30 percent a year since 2001. With high end mattresses showing an industry average increase of roughly 20 percent, latex mattress producers are ahead of the curve.

They are naturally dust mite resistant and anti microbial, which makes an incredible difference to people who suffer from allergies and asthma. Unlike other mattresses on the market today latex mattresses are biodegradable, and are made from natural, sustainable resources. With an average life span of 20 years, nearly twice those of other beds, latex mattresses outlast the competition.
Looking to the future this trend has no end in sight. With the price of polyurethane foam recently jumping a whopping 55% due to factory closures, the margin between premium latex mattresses and other mattresses narrows giving latex the clear advantage.
Choosing the Right Mattress Pad

So, you’ve decided to buy a new mattress. You even know what kind you’re going to buy. Then you see the price. Yikes! Don’t worry, you don’t have break the bank. And you don’t have to continue to suffer with your old mattress - there is another alternative. You can buy a mattress pad.
Mattress pads are available in a variety of different types. This mattress pad goes on top of your existing mattress, giving you the benefits of the more expensive memory foam, but at a much lower price.
Memory foam is also available in a mattress pad. This gives you the body-contouring support of memory foam, but at a fraction of the cost. Memory foam mattress pads are available in a variety of thicknesses. Naturally, you will get more support from the thicker pads, but these do cost more.

For those with allergies, the Allergy Buyers Club offers many choices. For example, the Euphoria Organic Wool and Latex mattress pad uses natural lambswool. It is completely chemical and dye-free, so even the most sensitive allergy sufferers can use it.
In addition, latex is anti-microbial, dust-mite resistant, and mildew proof, so the mattress pad has added health advantages. Allergy Buyers Club also offers mattress pads made of cotton, alpaca wool, goose down, and fleece wool. Some of these mattress pads are quite a bit more expensive than their non-hypoallergenic counterparts, but they are still much cheaper than hypoallergenic mattresses.