It's one of the main causes of a poor nights rest, an uncomfortable mattress. Like almost any piece of furniture we buy a mattress ages, and unlike a nice bottle of wine it doesn't get better as it gets older. To keep up with a good nights rest as our mattresses age we need to replace them, not just for a good nights rest but also to ensure we avoid any other negative health effects such as back troubles
The variety of mattresses to choose from today is pretty broad, how ever one that seems to be poking it's head above the rest is a latex mattress. Also known as orthopaedic mattresses, they can also sometimes be confused with memory foam mattresses.
What exactly is a Latex Mattress
Any mattress that comes with a latex core is known as a lates mattress. The core is what gives it the springy feeling when you lay on it. The core is actually a large piece of latex that has multiple holes in it designed to give the mattress a softer or more rigid feel. The larger the holes in the latex core the softer the mattress feels to you.
The best latex mattresses are the ones that have a varying firmness where your body needs it most. For instance a firmer feel under your back and neck, but softer under the feet and shoulders. Different points of our body need different support while we're sleeping so varying the core of the mattress with different pieces of latex enables this to happen.
The majority of latex mattresses out today come layered with more then just latex on top. The better mattresses use both latex and memory foam. The memory foam helps relieve pressure on your body that the latex core can't do alone. Of course you can always add a memory foam topper to any mattress, purchasing a better latex mattress with the memory foam layer built in is the best way to go.

There are two types of latex used in fabricating mattresses. Natural latex and synthetic latex. Natural latex is of course more expensive then the man made synthetic latex. How ever in terms of feel and durability there isn't really a difference.
Synthetic latex is created using two different processes. The more traditional and widely spread method is known as the Dunlop method. The second, and more complex process of the two is the Talalay method. The best latex mattresses are made using Talalay latex, it's quite a bit lighter, and less dense feeling then those made using the Dunlop method.
Find the Best Latex Mattress for a Great Nights Sleep
When it comes to sleeping there is little that is more frustrating then tossing and turning on an uncomfortable mattress. Just as we do, mattresses age; eventually they require replacement not just because we find then uncomfortable, but because of what this discomfort means. We risk health problems with out back if we are to sleep on a mattress that is to soft or firm for prolonged durations of time.
So if you’ve just recently decided that it’s time the old mattress kicks the bucket then you’re about to be greeted with the wide array of mattresses there are to choose from these days. What’s the best for you? One of the leading materials that mattress manufacturers are using today is latex. Latex mattresses are classified as orthopaedic mattresses, a real fancy way to say their good for our backs. So if you are to compare, what exactly is the best latex mattress.

Not all latex mattresses are created equally, how ever they do all start with something in common a latex core. The best latex mattress will have a bouncy feel to it, of course it is made of rubber, but the more springy the mattress feels the better. The core is simply on large piece of latex. The core has holes in it which provides a softer feel, and provides more comfort to you while sleeping. For a softer mattress the holes in the core will be larger, and vice versa for a firmer mattress.
To really find the best latex mattress you should look for one that has varying firmness. A late mattress that is softer under your shoulders and feet, yet firmer through the hip and back region will provide even support to your body while you sleep. This varying firmness is accomplished by varying the hole size in the late core at different areas.
There isn’t necessarily a best latex, how ever most latex mattresses will be layered with other materials to increase comfort. In our pursuit for the best latex mattress it should have a memory foam layer. Memory foam will help relieve any pressures on your body that the latex cannot accommodate for. There is a second option here if you were to purchase a latex mattress without memory foam, you could purchase a topper instead.
Natural or Synthetic Late
Now last but not least, how the latex is manufactured comes into play. You can purchase a latex mattress that is composed of natural or synthetic latex. Natural latex is more expensive, how ever the durability and feel of that and synthetic is almost identical.
Now synthetic latex can be made in two ways, either Dunlop or Talalay methods. The more complete method of the two is the Talalay method, and you’ll be sure to find the best latex mattress if you seek out one made from Talalay latex. It’s a lighter less dense material, then it’s counterpart Dunlop latex.
Great for all seasons
So in closing, for a firmer feel and better posture while you sleep a latex mattress will provide that. Not to mention unlike some of the other new mattress materials being used latex insulates and breathes well. There fore you’ll be warm in the winter, but won’t overheat in the summer. Just a little feature but it can help cut down on electric and heat bills in the summer and winter months respectively,