Many people think that having one style of mattress over another will alleviate their back pain. While this can prove true, it is just as much myth as method. Buying a memory foam mattress may or may not be necessary for you. The same goes for the idea of putting a board under the bed or sleeping directly on a board. These things can help. They can also do nothing, or even do damage with similar frequency. If you are consistently noticing back pain while sleeping, there are a few steps you should take before shelling out the cash for a high-tech cure-all mattress that you may or may not need.
First, check your mattress closely. Is it sagging? Is the box spring providing proper support? Is the shape still consistent? Are the fabrics maintaining their shape and firmness? If any of these questions is a no, then the problem may not be the type of mattress that you are sleeping on. The problem could be as simple as the condition of your mattress. A box spring and mattress that have aged and lost their shape can be one of the worst things for your back while sleeping. Sometimes you may just need to replace the bed with another one of the same type. You may not need any sort of special technology.
Before you go and buy that new mattress you should go and see a doctor. A good physician should be able to help you determine what needs to be done about your back pain (or at least refer you to one who can). He/she should know if the problem is just your beat up old mattress. If you do need a high tech design to help your back, your physician may be able to guide you in your decision. Yes, doctor's appointments can get expensive. But they are not as expensive as buying a new bed and finding out that it is not helping your back pain at all.
Memory Foam
If you find out that you do indeed need a new mattress, then you are in luck; there are plenty of options that will do the job. A memory foam mattresses is probably the best when it comes to finding a reliable solution to your pain. The materials in the mattress respond to your body's heat, and contour around your shape, giving you the perfect blend of softness and support. But be wary. Many memory foam beds, especially older ones, have a reputation for making the sleeper very warm. Newer models are coming out that ventilate the foam to keep you cool. They may cost a little extra, but can be well worth it. You do not want to solve your problem of waking up with back pain, and start waking up all night because you are too hot. Overall, memory foam is a very reliable mattress type to deal with back pain.
Air Spring Technology
Another style of mattress that is perfect for dealing with your night time back problems is an air mattress. Hospitals heavily employ air mattresses to provide the cleanest and best comfort to patients. These are not the inflatable mattresses of camping disaster stories. They are mattresses that use the basic spring coil system, but replace the metal springs with pressured air. Do not start wondering about how easy they will be to deflate. Consumer air mattresses are made using plenty of upholstery and are almost entirely puncture proof. The main drawback to this technology is that it is relatively new to the consumer market, and therefore rather expensive. But the low impact, high comfort feel of air mattresses are well worth the cost.
The Old Board Trick
Beyond those two options one can also resort to the old theory of using a board to firm up his/her bed. He/she could also spring for a new bed that is designed to be very firm. But recent sleep studies are finding that firmness only helps with certain types of back pain. It can actually increase the damage for other types. This is one area in which doctor consultation can be very valuable.
Computerized Sleep Diagnostics
A final option is one that may be difficult to find. Some furniture stores are beginning to offer a service that has you lay in a bed and uses sensors to determine where trouble spots are, where strengths are and how your body contours in general. These computers can actually recommend the exact style of mattress that will be best for the sleeper.
If back pain has been bothering you for years it may just be time for you to go out and get that new mattress. But before you do, check your current mattress well, see a doctor and try to figure out what the best mattress is for your particular problem. It is well worth the money required to splurge on the right mattress for your back. But even if you are about to let go financially, you do not want to waste money. Do your research and choose wisely.