What's Behind Latex Foam Beds?
A growing trend in the mattress industry is that of latex foam beds. As their name indicates, latex foam beds are obviously made out of latex. However, consumers do have the option of purchasing a totally natural latex foam bed or one made out of a chemically equivalent version of latex. No matter what type of latex is used, the process of making a latex foam bed is primarily the same. The latex is whipped into foam and then poured into a mold. As the latex sets, it solidifies into the permanent mattress shape.
For added comfort, all latex foam beds are made with openings in them that are called pincore holes. If you prefer a softer bed, you should look for one with larger holes. However, some latex foam beds can be designed with pincore holes in varying sizes to provide different levels of comfort throughout the mattress.

Which is Better - Foam Mattress or Latex Mattress?
At first glance, you could say that a foam mattress is better than a latex mattress. However, the truth needs to be discovered. To find out which is the better mattress, ask people you know who either use a foam mattress or latex mattress. Ask them what they think of the mattress they use and why they think it is better than the other mattress.
Latex comes from the plant family, commonly the rubber tree that grows abundantly in Asian countries. The plant produces a white sap, which is collected and then processed by heating it at the right temperature. Foam mattresses have been processed to specified designs and patterns by using special molds.

Foam mattresses and latex mattresses both have special attributes. There are foam mattresses and latex mattreses that would suit anyone's preference and budget. When you are looking to buy either a foam mattress or latex mattress, go with a store known for its mattresses. You will have the opportunity to check them and compare them with other brands of mattresses in terms of durability, design, models, thickness and comfort levels. You could try sitting on a foam mattress or latex mattress to gauge its firmness.
But let's go back to the question -- which is the better mattress, the foam mattress or the latex mattress? The answer best lies more in the comfort it brings to the buyer. Many tend to buy a mattress based on its firmness and durability. So whether you are looking to buy a foam mattress or latex mattress, do your research thoroughly. A good mattress should have a life span of at least ten years; anything less is not a good deal.

A Brief Introduction to the Organic Mattress
Have you heard yet of the term organic mattress' ? Did you know that such a mattress exists? Well, let me have the privilege of educating you on this term. As the world in general is moving towards organic food, organic clothes and all, the organic mattress is part of this movement. This mattress is known as organic because it is made exclusively of organic material.
Is the Organic Mattress Any Better Than its Synthetic Counterpart?
If you take the reports on the subjects as true, it seems that the organic mattress is indeed better than the synthetic ones because the polyurethane foam that is mostly utilized in making of the synthetic mattress may sometimes provoke very serious allergies in people.
You can feel extremely good that you are sleeping on a one-hundred-percent natural product. This product uses a combination of real wool (originating from France and New Zealand) and natural latex and sometimes a percentage of cotton.

The all-natural ingredients make it perfectly safe for the use of adults and children alike.
The natural wool is a natural dust mite repellant; hence the organic mattress will have less dust accumulation which will make it safer and healthier to sleep on. Additionally, you will have a chemical-free, allergy-free, environment-friendly sleeping medium.
The above reasons are just the some of the basic rationale to choose and use an organic mattress. Besides the fact that it helps the environment along, it also gives a lot of satisfaction and a very good sleep. Sleeping on latex can sometimes, especially in hot and humid climates, become quite uncomfortable by making you sweat. However, the organic mattress is able to breathe and hence you feel comfortable sleeping on it, even when it is hot and unpleasant.
Beware, though, that not all the mattresses that are advertised as organic, are truly organic. Many are indeed made of natural wool and other pertinent ingredients. However, they are also treated with fire-retardant chemicals (formaldehyde), coated with plastics to render them waterproof, covered with polyester to wash easily and so on.
When you go for the organic stuff, ensure that you get a mattress which is organic all the way, in and out. Refuse any chemical or synthetic embellishment. Choose that mattress that is one hundred percent organic. Be stubborn when you look for the totally organic item. It definitely exists since many leading brands are now launching their all-organic products.