For individuals considering a new mattress or if your mattress is in good condition but a little too firm, memory foam mattress toppers are a great solution. A memory foam mattress topper can do wonders for aches and pains, tossing and turning, and providing you with the ultimate comfort while you sleep. A viscoelastic mattress pad fits completely over you existing mattress, and has the ability to turn your current bed into a new sleep system, providing you with a comfort level you never imagined. You will sleep better than you have in years.
Visco foam density one of the most important factors to consider when purchasing a mattress or topper. Typically, the denser the foam, the higher quality the foam is. High density foam will provide the best support and durability. Typically 5 lbs is seen as high quality foam and is most desirable for memory foam toppers.
Also ensure your memory foam mattresses pad is thick enough to make your purchase worth your while. They are available in a variety of thicknesses ranging anywhere from one inch to 4 inches and more. Most recommended is the 3" thickness, as this provides enough foam for the body to contour into without overwhelming the sleepers. Make sure your topper is all memory foam; there should not be any support foam in a topper, just a mattress.
The memory foam mattress has seen a unique rise in recognition. Less conforming traditional foam - or latex - toppers can also be found but neither possess the viscoelastic heat sensitive property that makes memory foam so comfortable. Open celled memory foam is typically the preferred type. This means that the cells (air bubble) are not closed but are interconnected to one another. This is commonly referred to as 'open cell structure'. However, viscoelastic is more than this; the mattress is not only sensitive to weight but also to heat. The more heat that is applied the more the mattress will yield.
Viscoelastic foam conforms to the shape of the person sleeping on top of it. This means it provides far better support than other types of mattress and is extremely good at relieving pressure points, while still supporting areas like the lower back.
The Tempur-Pedic mattress was the very first of this type and remains the market leader to this day. There are many views as to the sleep quality of the mattress. The Tempurpedic mattress has a 5.25 lb density and sleeps a little more firm than some people like. If you can, try to compare at least two or three different brands before you buy to see what feels best for you. Just because you see the commercial everyday doesn't mean it's the best mattress for you, it just means that you are paying for heavy advertising costs when you purchase their bed.
Although many have enjoyed a better sleep on a memory foam mattress there are some who found that sleeping on one felt a lot warmer than sleeping on an inner spring mattress. One solution has been to introduce a new layer of high-density convoluted foam between the base foam block and the top viscoelastic foam. Some mattresses also utilize open celled memory foam which is much more efficient at air circulation and cooling.
Buying a new mattress is no small purchase. There are people who spend thousands of dollars on them, depending on the brand type and features. This is the general price range you can expect if you are purchasing a Sealy plush mattress, or maybe something similar from one of the other big names. The various brand names and all of the diverse combinations can make it quite a challenge to someone who has not done their homework. The best advice is to determine which type of mattress you need, the features you require, and then determine a budget. You don't have to be a millionaire to sleep comfortably, but given how much time you will spend in bed and the longevity f some higher end mattresses, they certainly can make worthwhile investments.
The best way to care for your memory foam mattress is by following a few broad maintenance rules. The primary thing you should do when you buy your memory foam mattress is to get a pad or cover to go along with it. This will assist to prevent your mattress from wearing out quickly. If you are the type of person who likes to eat or drink in bed or frequently have young children or pets in the bed, you can then protect it from liquid spills with a waterproof pad.
The best way to care for a foam mattress is to clean up any spills without delay, if you are lucky enough to be there when it happens. There are some reasons for the cause of this. First of all, if the spill has time to set, it will become a stain. The other reason is that it can cause mold to be formed inside the mattress if it is allowed to soak in. The chances of this are certainly decreased with a foam product, but it is better to be safe. Typically, mattress covers will be machine washable, but the mattress itself must be spot treated with warm water and a mild soap and allowed to air dry. Never dry clean memory foam products as this will degrade their quality and likely void your warranty.
Sometimes you may also be able to find cleaning instructions on the label of your mattress. At all times avoid using harsh chemicals as much as possible. Another good idea you may try is to use a vacuum attachment on your mattress surface occasionally to remove any dust and allergens. Hopefully with a little know how, and proper care, your mattress may very well last you a lifetime.
Another great feature of memory foam is that they have the characteristics of moving and adjusting along body lines as one tosses and turns in the bed and absorbing any movements rather than transferring them. This fact proves especially good when two people of different weights sleep together, if one partner is fidgety, or if both people have different schedules. If one tosses and turns while sleeping it will not disturb the partner as it would in a typical mattress. No longer do you have to deal with the rolling sensation that can occur when there are two people of dissimilar weights.