A memory foam mattress can easily last twice as long as an old fashioned inner spring mattress. National Memory Foam places a twenty year warranty on our Body Form memory foam mattresses and a ten year warranty on our Celina and Tri-Lux memory foam mattresses. The reason we have so much confidence in our products is because we know that our foam is manufactured to incredibly exacting standards, and will not compress or degrade the way other cheaper brands of foam can.
Find mattresses, pillows, and memory foam toppers at natonalmemoryfoam.com.
Not All Memory Foams are Created Equal
We think it is great that a lot of manufacturers have begun producing memory foam. This has allowed the price of memory foam to come down and finally become an affordable product. And while this has also meant that a good number of quality memory foams have come onto the market, it has also meant that a greater number of low quality, cut rate foams have also appeared.
Memory foam isn't a commodity, and not all memory foams are created equal. As a general rule of thumb, you should avoid the really inexpensive memory foam mattresses you will find on the market. They are generally made of either low density memory foam or layered with other, cheaper foam products. In our experience, these inexpensive memory foam mattresses just won't give the same comfort as higher quality memory foam mattresses and will wear out relatively fast.