If you are considering a latex mattress, then this article has some vital information that you should know.My research team has carried out thorough mattress research by assembling data from over 3,000 mattress owners.
Latex Mattress Advantages
The most important thing to know from the findings is that latex mattresses are considered comfortable by the vast majority of their owners. Specifically, over 90% of latex bed owners find their mattress comfortable.The reason for the high satisfaction is due mainly to the fact that latex beds don't have much downside, at least in comparison to other mattress types such as innerspring, air, memory foam and water beds.
For example, latex mattresses tend to hold up well over time and tend to not sag as much as many other mattress types can. Also, they do not tend to sleep hot (capture and then fail to release one's body heat) as memory foam mattresses sometimes do. Also in contrast to memory foam, latex mattresses tend to not "offgas," which means they usually don't give off an undesirable odor when they are new.
Latex Mattress Disadvantages
Everything is not perfect with latex mattresses. The main disadvantage with the beds is that, unlike many memory foam brands, they are pricey. Expect to pay $2,000 or higher. Also, latex beds are heavy. In fact, they are likely the heaviest type of mattress outside of water beds. This means that moving or even making a latex bed can be difficult.
Finally, even though latex mattresses have been around for decades, they do not yet have the track record (at least in the U.S.) that the other types of mattress have established. In other words, if you buy a latex mattress, you should probably consider yourself a bit of a pioneer.