One of the best and quickest ways to determine whether a foam mattress is right for you is to spend some time reading over the many foam mattress review sites on the Internet. A foam mattress review written by a consumer can give you an objective opinion about the comfort of a particular brand of foam mattress, and help you sort out which foam mattress features you would like for yourself.
You can simply perform an Internet search on “foam mattress reviews” and be directed to enough sites to keep you busy for several hours. You’ll not only learn which foam mattresses offer which features; you’ll be able to do some comparison shopping for price because many of the foam mattress review sites are located on the websites of the foam mattress companies.
Brands Of Foam Mattresses
The best known of all the foam mattresses is the Tempur-Pedic, which is the product of a Swedish company and the first foam mattress to incorporate NASA’ visco memory foam, designed to cocoon astronauts against the forces of liftoff. Tempur-Pedic, in fact, is not just the first to use the NASA foam it their mattresses, they are the only company licensed to do so. The twenty-year warranty on Tempur-Pedic mattresses equals that of many high end standard mattresses.
Another popular foam mattress mentioned on many a foam mattress review site is the Sleep Aid Mattress. One of the big drawbacks to earlier foam mattresses was that the warmth those sleeping on them tended to build up in the foam itself, making the mattresses to hot for comfort. Sleep Aid solved the problem wit their proprietary Heat Reduction Channels, which let the warm air escape. Sleep Aid mattresses are also backed with a twenty-year warranty.
Keep Track Of The Reviews
Both Absolute Comfort and Bergad foam mattresses have their advocates on the foam mattress review sites; you can keep track of all the different brands of mattresses you have seen reviewed by jotting down the manufacturers’ names and the different mattress models, the address of the website on which they were reviewed; and their costs with delivery charges included.
The foam mattress review sites discussing Abed foam mattresses paint a less than complimentary picture of them; the Abed mattresses seem to have a high incidence of failure within a relatively short period. While they are not as expensive as some other foam mattresses, they may still not be a bargain.
Once you have a list of mattresses which have a record of getting positive foam mattress reviews, you should try to find mattress stores in your area which carry them. The most reliable foam mattress review you can possibly get, after all, is the one you give each mattress after you have tested it for a few minutes!